“ shrimp ” 6件

干しえび, 干し椎茸, しょうが, にんにく, ごま油, 塩、こしょう, ●オイスター・ソース, ●砂糖, ●しょうゆ, 中華風ガラスープ, 炊いたご飯, 香味野菜, 鶏胸肉, 無頭えび, 玉子(M)
ターニップ turnip, ハム, 干しエビ(なければ省略可), スプリングオニオン, ぬるま湯, ごま油, [A], 上新粉 Rice flour, 片栗粉 Potato flour, 砂糖, 塩, コショウ, [酢醤油ダレ], 酢, しょうゆ
It’s easy to enhance flavor of shrimp while pairing it with pasta in a single dish, Shrimp Puttanesca. This history of puttanesca sauce is interesting as it was developed in Naples by prostitutes to lure in potential customers who were hungry but also interested in other services.
The aroma that emanates when making Cacciucco on the stove is only bested by the taste! In episode 100 of POV Italian Cooking, I make Cacciucco, an Italian fish stew that originated in the coastal towns in the Tuscany and Liguria regions. The monkfish, red snapper, clams, mussels, shrimp and calama