The inviting and intricate fragrances of baking bread and basil pesto combine to set an expectation that can only be met by a slice of Pesto Bread. This bread, with a brilliant green tint from the pesto, will impress your friends with the powerful burst of flavor and wonderful crust. See how to mak
If bacon were a butterfly, then pork belly would be the caterpillar. Rubbed with a mix of spices before spending the night in the refrigerator so the flavors permeate the meat. Warmed to room temperature then baked at 350 degrees for 90 minutes. The sound of this sizzling pork belly will make you H
Sea scallops are a delicacy that appear in cuisines from many different countries. Some believe that only a trained chef can make perfectly cooked sea scallops. I believe that any home cook can make perfect sea scallops and demonstrate how to do this in the video.