“ Italian ” 60件

カンタンでオシャレな1品 所要時間 15分
きゅうり, オリーブオイル, にんにく, ベーコン, 塩コショウ, バルサミコグレイズ(お好みで)
パンのスライス, マヨネーズ, トマトソース(自家製または既製品でも), 好みのトッピング, ピザ用モツアレラチーズ, 好みでパルメザンチーズ、パセリ, 塩、こしょう
ロースト・トマトとガーリック& サフランのリゾット
チェリートマト, にんにく(みじん切り), にんにく(皮をつけたままのもの), 塩、こしょう, オリーブオイル, サフラン(ぬるま湯で戻す), 玉ねぎ, セロリ, チキンストックまたは野菜ストック, リゾットライス, パルメザンチーズ(おろしたもの), バター
ポークフィレ, 塩こしょう, モッツアレラチーズ, バジル, お好みのトマトソース(市販), オリーブオイル
A simple pan sauce made with capers, butter, white wine, chicken stock and lemon juice envelop chicken cutlets in the traditional Chicken Piccata recipe made in episode 101 of POV Italian Cooking. Though Chicken Piccata is an impressive dish, it can be made in about 20 minutes, making it the perfec
It can be difficult to make a perfect hard-boiled egg that has a creamy yolk and tender white. Overcooking a hard-boiled egg, which is easy to do, results in a chalky and sometimes greenish yolk, a rubbery egg white and a slightly sulfuric taste. In this video I demonstrate how I use my sous vide t
If you love limoncello then you may want to give Orangecello a try! In this short video I share how to modify the Limoncello that I made in episode 91 of POV Italian Cooking to make Orangecello.
Yes, prosciutto, which is the best of the Italian cured meats, can be made even better! Candied Prosciutto takes this popular Italian cold cut delicacy and makes it exponentially better. See how to make Candied Prosciutto at https://youtu.be/DMU-GTVae1A
Baked Brie is the perfect mix of savory sweet wrapped in the crispy fluff of a puff pastry that provides the ultimate combination of flavor and texture. This ideal appetizer is extremely easy to make but guaranteed to the top crowd pleaser at a party. See how to make Baked Brie in this video where
Traditional humus is made from garbanzo beans (also called chickpeas), tahini, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and other flavorful ingredients. This outstanding spread dates back to Egypt in the 13th century and remains a popular Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. See how